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Train Wash Plant

Train Wash Plant

Train Washing Plant is capable for a variety of washing method (stationary, semi-stationary and drive-through wash for trains with or without pantographs). The two adjustable swiveling split horizontal brushes enable user to spotlessly clean various shapes of vehicles including the round shape.

The system is comprised of Pre-spraying arch, Osmosis rinsing arch, Split horizontal brushes, Split Portal, Positioning lights for rear wash and Positioning lamp for front wash. The system is equipped with a PLC unit as standard system. The intelligent power measuring system ensure a thorough side washing results.

The train is positioned for front and rear wash, then the vehicle that is self-propelled will pass through the washing brush. This train washing unit can be implemented in a wash hall as well as outdoors. The water reclaim and water recycle system of the equipment help reduce the amount of water consumption and increase the water usage efficiency.


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